Marathi Vidnyan Parishad |
Article E06 |
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- Government plays vital role in progress of any nation. However, Government has some limitations. They are caught in red tape and politics. Businesses help for progress, but their main concern is to earn profits, sometimes at cost of social welfare. Hence voluntary, non-profit, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are essential and useful, provided they are properly motivated and have social backing. Here we shall take a look at a dynamic, well-established NGO, namely Marathi Vidnyan Parishad (MVP), which means Marathi Science Association.
- Some science-lovers and Marathi-lovers at Mumbai formed MVP in 1966. It is a registered society and public charitable trust. Its main objective (mission) is to popularize science mainly through Marathi language. A country progresses fast if people are science-oriented and use science in big way. It is true that science alone will not achieve much, without proper inputs of materials, management, laws, finance, integrity and so on. Science is studied, to some extent, in educational institutions. But what about general public? Moreover, even scientists are like laymen in respect of science subjects outside their fields. Question then arises how to cultivate public interest in science. We may use English when necessary, but people are more comfortable with their mothertongues. So science (both academic and practical) should be disseminated through Marathi. Until 1966, there were stray but useful attempts to popularize science through Marathi. MVP is an organized forum to fill up the need. Over the years, MVP has created a conducive climate and has encouraged several science writers, speakers and trainers to take science to people.
- MVP does not spend its time and resources on agitating against bogus god-men and fraudulent consumer products. Such agitations are socially necessary and get wide publicity, but they do not fit in MVP’s policy. MVP adopts constructive silent means such as lectures, seminars, audio-video tapes, publications, terminology preparation, monthly magazine, essay competitions, science-fiction competitions, hobby workshops, excursions to factories, science exhibitions, book library, training programs and so on. An annual 3-day function, called Marathi Vidnyan Sammelan, is organized on lines of Indian Science Congress but on a small scale. MVP has created its network of about 72 autonomous yet affiliated chapters at several towns in Maharashtra, and 4 chapters in towns outside the state. These chapters are called ‘Vibhag’. For example, Marathi Vidnyan Parishad Pune Vibhag works in Pune area. (Its office is at ground floor, Tilak Smarak Mandir, Tilak Road, Pune 411030). Special efforts are made to take science to children and in slums.
- Marathi Vidnyan Sammelan is renamed as Marathi Vidnyan Adhiveshan (no. 39, onwards). Here is a list of all sammelans (adhiveshans), with Presidents (Titles Dr etc omitted), venue-town. Add 1965 to serial number for the year (There are few exceptions). A volume of Presidential speeches (edited by A. P. Deshpande) for first 38 sammelans is published. Enquire with MVP, Mumbai. (01) G. P. Kane, Mumbai. (02) V. N. Shirodkar, Pune. (03) H. G. Patil, Thane. (04) V. V. Narlikar, Nashik. (05) P. K. Kelkar, Nagpur. (06) T. S. Mahabale, Mumbai. (07) J. G. Bodhe, Kolhapur. (08) J. V. Narlikar, Jalna. (09) P. V. Sukhatme, Talegaon. (10) G. S. Mahajani, Hyderabad. (11) P. J. Deoras, Mumbai. (12) M. D. Deshmukh, Khiroda. (13) B. D. Tilak, Chinchni. (14) V. G. Bhide, Vadodara. (15) B. M. Udgaonkar, Sangamner. (16) P. G. Tulpule, Mumbai. (17) G. R. Udas, Kolhapur. (18) M. D. Gadgil, Udgir. (19) V. M. Dandekar, Nagpur. (20) P. G. Patankar, Thane. (21) D. V. Bal, Jaitapur. (22) N. T. Taskar, Rohe. (23) V. G. Kulkarni, Chalisgaon. (24) Y. L. Nene, Junnar. (25) M. A. Chitale, Mumbai. (26) Kamal Ranadive, Gadahinglaj. (27) S. A. Dabholkar, Solapur. (28) V. R. Gowariker, Islampur. (29) Dilip Bhawalkar, Dhule. (30) Arvind Gupta, Mumbai. (31) Pramod Kale, Vadodara. (32) R. A. Mashelkar, Goa. (33) Bal Phondke, Pune. (34) P. S. Deodhar, Nagpur. (35) R. D. Lele, Mumbai. (36) M. G. Takwale, Barshi. (37) V. N. Shrikhande, Aurangabad. (38) A. D. Karve, Thane. (39) Sadanand Kulkarni, Jalna. (40) Sarang Kulkarni, Mumbai. (41) Arvind Kumar, Vani. (42) K. K. Gokhale, Kolhapur. (43) Madhav Chavan, Varora. (44) APJ Kalam, Nagpur. (45) Anil Kakodkar, Bordi. (46) Aditi Pant, Pune. (47) Suresh Khanapurkar, Baramati. (48) S.G.Kane, Lonavala. (49) Prakash Amte, Amaravati. (50) S. P. Sukhatme, Mumbai. (51) Sulakshana Mahajan, Thane. (52) Ulhas Rane, Kudal. (53) N.K.Thakare, Chalisgaon.
Note:- Father Son Presidents (01, 48), (04, 08), (09, 50). Lady Presidents ( 26, 46, 51). Presidential speeches in Marathi, except (30) Hindi, (44) English.
- The MVP headquarters building is about 6600 sqft in area, and hums with number of science-popularization activities. It has a staff of about 12, and the annual budget is of the order of Rs.100 lakhs, which is generated by means of subscriptions, donations, grants and so on. MVP has won number of awards for its splendid work. It has contacts with science popularizers in India and abroad. MVP has helped in conducting conferences at national and international levels. MVP has number of dynamic activists. It enjoys a very good image in public mind, media, scientists and government circles. MVP has its constraints, it needs improvements, but its social impact is significant. MVP office is located at Vidnyan Bhavan, Purav Marg, Mumbai 400022, India (Tuesdays closed.) Phone (022) 24054714. MVP email is ( ) Website ( ) in Marathi, partly in English.
(a) Science is called Vidnyan in Marathi, Vigyan in Hindi (spoken as vidnyaan, vigyaan).
(b) Presidents of Marathi Vidnyan Parishad -- R. V. Sathe (1966-76) M.N.Gogate (1976-82) B.M.Udgaonkar (1982-91) J.V.Narlikar (1991-94) V.R.Gowariker (1994-2000) P.S.Deodhar (2000-2014) J. B. Joshi (2014- )
(c) Sammelan references in Marathi articles M03, M15, M17, M18 in (
(d) Marathi Vidnyan Parishad supports National Centre for Science Communicators ( ) Transactions are in English.
(e) Refer para 1, Some NGOs in India have foreign support. MVP is NGO with Indian support. Looking to its good work Govt of India has permitted MVP (since May 2012) to accept donations in foreign currency (enquire with MVP). Marathi Vidnyan Parishad was formed on 24 April 1966. MVP completed 50 years on 24 April 2016. History (in Marathi)
of 50 years of MVP was published on 17 December 2016.
(f) Visit official website of MVP for latest updates, enquiries, contacts of Vibhags etc.
(g) MVP (Mumbai head-office) accepted Global numerals 0123456789 for Marathi publications etc since April 1973 (There are few exceptions).
[Index Page ]
Updated on : $
December 22, 2017 $
Author : Madhukar N Gogate